Sunday, February 12, 2012

to my "dad"

Dear Sperm Donor,

let me show you what a REAL heart felt letter looks like. I will start by saying you had NO part in my being raised . The only thing you helped with is conception. May I say in short I fucking hate you!!! All you have done for 17 years is put me in the back of your mind. All I have been is a burden and a bother to have in your life, not a blessing to have. As a little girl all I wanted was my daddy and I did for a while (my brother's dad) but he turned out to be almost a bigger loser then you....Its been almost 4 years since I've last seen you and you've been around what...a whole year and a half..(insert sarcasm here) Oh yeah you're a great father....NOT! You're not around you're not worthy to be called a parent of any kind. YOU ARE SO PATHETIC!! You had to plagiarize a letter me because you didn't have the decency to pull words out of your heart! I was so happy that my dad was making an effort to be a damned father but no you copied 2 peoples heart felt letters and mashed them together.I AM NOT STUPID!!!! My boyfriend, my best friend, all my friends, MY DAD!!! and some of my teachers think you are weak, spindless and pathetic for even trying to get one over on me. I cant even begin to say how angry I was/am that you had the "heart" to even do that to me. Plus I turned out so much better WITHOUT you. which is why I can ALMOST forgive you for this....All I want is to be able to see my baby sister and to be in her life and YOU WONT LET ME!! I miss Marissa so much it kills me everyday to know that I can't be there for her. You always end up making me feel horrid and disgusting when you talk to me because I look down on my self. But NO MAS! I'm done with YOU and IT. I'm done being lied to having my feelings played with. I am going to be 17 years old and in the words of my favorite song:

"I've always longed for true affection But you compare me to a corpse! Stay with the dead, I'm joining the living 'Cos I'm freer than sixteen!""Something's changing...I can feel it... I'm seventeen now Why can't you see it? Seventeen and you can't stop me Seventeen and you won't boss me! You cannot control me father..Daddy's girl's a fucking monster!"

by the way that is how you quote someone Douche Bag.....

Kianna ( fyi two N's genius)